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Writing compelling messages that attract downsizing seniors as clients

Next course starts September 21, 2021

This 5-week intensive program teaches realtors and other solopreneurs how to write compelling messages that attract downsizing seniors and their adult children as clients.

Many small business owners I’ve talked with have told me that without practice or feedback it’s difficult for them to get good at finding the right words to market their services. This program provides you with both

Promise: By the end of the program, you’ll have written a compelling description of your services that resonates with downsizing seniors and/or their adult children.


Who I am

I’m Paul Cavanagh, a freelance health writer who specializes in senior living. I’ve helped build the brand of numerous businesses that serve seniors. I’m not just a writer; I’m also a subject matter expert. I’ve worked as an occupational therapist, educator, hospice palliative care coordinator, and long-term care consultant. I also ran a blog for family caregivers for several years. And I’ve run my own small business for 10 years.

From the moment I first hired Paul as a freelancer, he understood what made our organization special. That was evident in every media release, interview, blog post, and email campaign he did for us. His content more than doubled our website traffic.

Joy Birch

Chief Operating Officer, Highview Residences

What’s included

  • 5 live 1-hour group classes
  • Individual feedback on weekly assignments
  • A live one-on-one coaching session
  • Recordings of group classes (handy if you miss a lesson)
  • Email / phone support


When it happens

September 21 to October 19, 2021
(Live group classes are on Tuesdays, 4-5 pm Eastern Time)

The one-on-one feedback Paul gave was really valuable. I struggle with writing. It’s not in my comfort zone. But he gave me confidence. I have a much clearer sense of my target market now, what questions are in their heads, and what I should be writing about.

Lisa Sinopoli

Master Accredited Senior Agent

Paul used good examples to show us how to write customer-focused messages. I had an Aha! moment every class. It was all very illuminating and made great sense. I expect to double my income as a result of taking his course.

Cathy Burton

Master Accredited Senior Agent

I certainly had my eyes opened to what is important to relay to seniors and their adult children. I felt very supported, which is important. Paul was so helpful, whether it was via email or Zoom meeting. The one-on-one feedback was a bonus. I didn’t expect that, but it certainly helped pinpoint some of the areas that I’m weak in and need to improve on. I’m very happy to have taken his course. Paul was easy to relate to. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend him to anybody.

Magdalena Zecevic

Master Accredited Senior Agent


Week 1: Know your audience

You have mere seconds to connect with your target audience. Learn what works and what doesn’t. Developing a simple audience profile is key. I’ll show you how.

Week 2: Articulate the value of what you do

Use the profile you developed in Week 1 to focus on what matters to your target audience, be they seniors or their adult children. Discover how to make an emotional connection. Learn to describe the value of your service or product in just 3-4 lines.

Week 3: Attract leads with your service description

Now that you’ve got your target audience curious to learn more, how do you convince them to connect with you? I’ll show you how to write a fleshed-out service description that covers the key points they want to hear. Plus, you’ll learn a method for collecting powerful testimonials.

Week 4: Write in different formats

Find out how to adjust your message when you’re asking a third party to promote your service to seniors. Plus, I’ll teach you copywriting techniques to use when crafting letters, brochures, and web copy. I’ll also give you personal feedback on the fleshed-out service description you’ve drafted for your business.

Week 5: Meet your potential clients where they are

I’ll help you identify the sorts of information seniors and their adult children are searching for and how you can respond. Plus, I’ll give you a final round of feedback on the fleshed-out service description you’ve drafted for your business.


Don’t miss out

The first time I offered this 5-week program, it filled in just over 24 hours.

Spaces are limited because of the one-on-one support I offer everyone enrolled in the program.

Tuition is $497 USD / $597 CAD. That’s a fraction of what I charge my business clients for a single copywriting project.


Refunds are not available once the program has begun. If the Promise has not been met, and you have been fully participating in the program, I will continue to work with you to ensure you have access to the resources you need to succeed.

Questions? Email me